Monday 2 July 2012

21 days to break a habit

There's a lot of research out there that indicates you need a minimum of 21 days to form a new habit. Anything less just doesn't allow the brain to form new neural pathways. Keep it going for more that 21 days and you stand a good chance of making it stick. The trouble is most people don't give themselves the chance to make a change. 21 is a golden number. My favourite example is the NASA one from the 70's. Astronauts wearing convex glasses 24/7 to simulate weightlessness, had upside down images convert themselves the right way up after 21-23 days. It was also discovered that an interruption to this time frame meant you had to start again. Applying this brain technology to the personal development field can mean that a new habit can be integrated into our lives by sticking to the task for more than 21 days. Don't just take my word for it give it a go. Try something simple first, if you are right handed, brush your teeth with your left hand. It will feel awkward at first but persist, see if it doesn't become easier and then normal. Intellectually these ideas make sense but we rarely put hese concepts into practice, go on give it a go. One of the reasons we are reluctant to try new things for this magic period is, what if it works? All those times in my life when I gave up just as it was about to get easier! What could you have accomplished with your life? Rest assured it is never to late to learn something new. To help you succeed find a buddy or get a coach, you'll be glad you did.

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