Wednesday 29 June 2011

Setting a good intention

While waiting for a train to London yesterday I put a posting on facebook asking people for their comments on what they were grateful for that morning.
The responses were magical, thinking at the time no one bothers it made me happy to see people actually caring. My intentions for the day were met due to my focusing on gratitude and others.
A valuable lesson for us all, focusing on the good and the beauty that surrounds you will make a difference in your day and your life. There's a business lesson here too, focusing on others and their needs bring to you what you are seeking.
Gratitude is fantastic way to start and finish the day.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Step Up

Have you seen my video on my new web page? Check it out, again let me know what you think. Guesses on who is performing!


As A Man Thinketh - James Allen

I've been thinking, what a great book! There are words of wisdom throughout it, just ousing all over the pages. " A man can only rise, conquer and achieve by lifting up his thoughts." True words indeed.

It's an old book but well worth the trouble reading and so fit for today. I recommend it completely.

"You will be what you WILL to be." Hold that thought, and when you do make it a good one.

Enjoy this book. Let me know your thoughts.
